Stories that Shape Us
Stories that Shape Us
Season 2, Episode 2: Youth Month 2021: Shenick and Celest discuss the impact of bullying on young women and how to find a way forward
One of the serious issues facing young people today is bullying, a form of unprovoked aggression that can be directed at another individual or group of individuals with the intent to cause embarrassment or pain. It used to be that you could escape a school or work bully by simply moving locations at the end of the day, but bullying can also take place online, called cyberbullying, via an app or online platform like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok. So instead of being able to escape bullies, they ride in our pockets, come into our homes and follow us wherever we go on our phones or tablets. For many young people, it can seem as if there is no escape.
Today's podcast talks about bullying and its impact on young people. Join Tim as he chats with SU Staff members Celest and Shenick as they discuss the impact of bullying at a recent girls' camp and some ways they help these young women deal with this issue.