Stories that Shape Us
Scripture Union South Africa has a long legacy--nearly 100 years--of children's work throughout the country that has not only enabled young people to 'know and walk with God' but has pushed boundaries for community transformation. Join Tim Black as he interviews the SU family, discussing the stories that have shaped Scripture Union culture and our South African society. And more stories are being written.....
Podcasting since 2020 • 15 episodes
Stories that Shape Us
Latest Episodes
Season 2, Episode 5: Youth Month 2021: SU Sinawe (we are with you) schools workers around the country talk about the impact the program is having in South African schools
COVID-19 continues to bring challenges to the school environment across South Africa. SU has been placing Sinawe (Zulu for 'we are with you') Workers in local schools to help provide psycho-social support for the learning environment. Some grea...

Season 2, Episode 4: Youth Month 2021: Luyanda and Kyle talk about grief and the impact it is having on young people
South African young people have been struggling with grief as they deal with the impact of COVID-19 on their friends and families. The trauma that many are experiencing is amplified in the pain and loss they feel as they deal with the death of ...

Season 2, Episode 3: Youth Month 2021: Praying for our Schools. Interview with Richard and Leearron Jumbe of Pais
May was a month of prayer for our schools in South Africa. Richard and Leearron of Pais gathered organisations from around South Africa to join together in prayer for our schools and teachers. Why May, why now and what did God do in response to...

Season 2, Episode 2: Youth Month 2021: Shenick and Celest discuss the impact of bullying on young women and how to find a way forward
One of the serious issues facing young people today is bullying, a form of unprovoked aggression that can be directed at another individual or group of individuals with the intent to cause embarrassment or pain. It used to be that you ...

Season 2 Episode 1: Youth Month 2021: Covid and the challenges facing young people
South Africa celebrates Youth Month throughout the month of June. Tim interviews Chicks Radise, new SU staff with a focus on team building and youth development. Chicks and his wife, Lerato, are the new leaders of Kadesh Barnea Campsite and bri...
Season 2
Episode 1